Motor Bike SC free

New Motorbike Game Source Code For Android Studio – Better Admob Earnings. How to edit this Game android Studio or upload Google Play Store Step by Step. Download The Latest SDK to avoid errors.
Below are the details of complete game development and the AdMob ads integration. Please follow all the steps below to get the perfect results.

| How To Use |

  1. Import The Motorbike Game Source Code For Android Studio. 
  2. Clean The Project and get rid of any errors.
  3. Change Package name to whichever one you desire.
  4. Change App Name to anything you like.
  5. Change Android App Admob ID Codes to your own AdMob ID Codes.
  6. Change The App Icon Through Image Asset inside Android Studio.
  7. Final Step Build Singed Apk Make sure you have followed all the steps above.
  8. Now the game APK file is ready to publish on the play store or other stores without error.
Click Download Button For Game Source Code